Every man and woman is a mission; that is the reason for our life on this earth. To be attracted and to be sent are two movements that our hearts, especially when we are young, feel as interior forces of love; they hold out promise for our future and they give direction to our lives. More than anyone else, young people feel the power of life breaking in upon us and attracting us. To live out joyfully our responsibility for the world is a great challenge.
The digital world – the social networks that are so pervasive and readily available – dissolves borders, eliminates distances and reduces differences. Everything appears within reach, so close and immediate. And yet lacking the sincere gift of our lives, we could well have countless contacts but never share in a true communion of life. To share in the mission to the ends of the earth demands the gift of oneself in the vocation that God, who has placed us on this earth, chooses to give us (cf. Lk 9:23-25).
No one is so poor as to be unable to give what they have, but first and foremost what they are.
Pope Francesco

No one is so poor as to be unable to give what they have, but first and foremost what they are.
Pope Francis
Mission - Franciscan Sisters of the Sacred hearts
The Franciscan Sisters of the Sacred hearts founded by the Venerable Father Simpliciano of the Nativity in 1886 have as their charism to be a sign of the merciful love of the Father in the world. To help embody this charism the non – profit social organization “Friends of Mary Foundation Onlus”, was established in 2002 with the aim of bringing benefits to disadvantaged people.
The foundation carries out initiative of social assistance, education and humanitarian aid to people in need of Italian and foreign communities, especially to abandoned children.
The donations from benefactors are used not only in the realization of the so-called “adoption at a distance”, but also through direct support for the development projects of various initiatives in the s.d. poor countries in the “southern hemisphere”.
With the new regulation on the protection of privacy, the Foundation has created these new projects, which can also be achieved thanks to your support.
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"Fondazione Amici di Maria ONLUS"
banca: Monte Paschi di Siena (Filiale di S. Prisco - CE)
IBAN IT 11 T 01030 75020 000001116941.