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Feeding Program

Assured nourishment

“All needs are provided by charity"

Even today hunger exists in many parts of the world and many go to sleep with an empty stomach; in other parts of the world there is instead the satiated that goes to sleep with a full stomach

It is a very sad and unjust reality, especially when innocent and defenseless children die of hunger. We cannot remain indifferent to this reality!

That is why the feeding program was created, which aims not only to offer a daily meal to a child, but to provide a humanitarian aid necessary to guarantee him a healthy growth, as well as supporting families in their material and spiritual needs.

Of your generosity the Lord rewards you with so many blessings.

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Bonifico intestato a :

"Fondazione Amici di Maria ONLUS"
Banca: Monte Paschi di Siena (Filiale di S. Prisco - CE)
IBAN IT 11 T 01030 75020 000001116941.