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Centro Assistenziale "Sacro Cuore"

Our working relationship with the Lombardy-Veneto Province of the Order of St. John of God dates back to February 1990, when our religious family accepted the first invitation for collaboration in Brescia, at the "sacred Heart Institute; in 1993, another fraternity was established at the "St. Rafael" Hospital in Venice. In 2014, the Provincial, Rev. Fr Maximo Villa, asked our Superior General, Mo. Amabile Galatà, for some Sisters, together with the friars, our religious presence among the sick that acepts a large number of patients with mental disabilities, mental retardation, elderly, and bedridden. The necessary agreements were signed and the necessary renovations were started for the fraternity on June 12, 2015, solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which was received with great enthusiasm by the Prior, Fra Gennaro Simarò, and Fra Serafino. On November 19, 2015, the Fatebenefratelli inaugurated within this Hospital Center, the LUNCH for SOLIDARITY, called the Panem Quotidianum, which consists in serving lunch to the poor of the communiy, up to a maximum of 25 guests. We are involved in this activity, the Sisters are divided into 2 by 2 with a group of volunteers who alternate in this service.


Via S. Giovanni di Dio, 54, 20078 San Colombano (MI)


339 3443039